A journey of exhibition opportunities through art galleries
Strot (स्त्रोत)
In Piyusha's perspective, much like cream forming galaxies in a coffee cup, she holds the belief that we, as humans, craft beauty that reverberates with the quintessential rhythm resonating across the universe. Enchanted by the grandeur and carvings of Modhera's sun temple, she closely scrutinizes the symbolism within ornate geometric carvings. Especially in the nrityamandapa's ceiling, she notices a watch dial gear-like pattern expanding from the center.
Piyusha is intrigued by the potential narrative these patterns might reveal about the birth of light within the sun. Piyusha illustrates this metaphor through her work, using paper thread to meticulously crochet a similar geometric design that unfolds in a wave-like pattern. Employing dual colors, white symbolizes the formation of light, while brown signifies light touching the terrestrial tapestry. Many such crocheted waves emanate from the गर्भ-स्त्रोत (origin) of the sun to imprint its essence on the earthly canvas.
Exhibition : On Paper Of Paper
Venue : India Design ID 2023,
Curated by Ankon Mitra, and facilitated by Apparao Art Gallery, New Delhi

The Raas Leela
When Radha and Krishna dance in the Vrindavan forest, Krishna multiplies himself so that each gopika has a Krishna to dance with, ensuring no one feels left out or alone. This creates a swirl of devotion, love, and divine energy, as every gopika feels she has Krishna completely to herself. Each gopika is right, yet it is also true that Krishna belongs to everyone and is with everyone. He is intimate to you and me, but he is also intimate to the entire universe.
This beautiful idea of all-pervading, dancing, swirling energy inspired the visual expression of the Radha-Krishna Raas Leela. Individual dancing couples are visible, but they all meld into a universal energy of dance and light. This visual seeks to capture the essence of the Raas Leela, where the intimate and the universal converge, embodying the profound spiritual connection shared by all beings through the divine dance of Radha and Krishna.
Facilitated and Mentored by: Ankon Mitra
Exhibition : India Art Fair
Venue : Bikaner House,
Facilitated by Ankon Mitra and Gallery Art Positive, Delhi

Mantras of Manifestation
Piyusha has selected the Saraswati beej mantra—ॐ श्रीं सरस्वत्यै नमः—to crochet a spiral of the flower of life pattern in pristine white. Her work symbolizes a prayer rising like a tendril of a climbing plant reaching for the sun. For Piyusha, crocheting is akin to turning prayer beads, expressing her desire to dedicate her life to learning, imbibing, and growing.
Antara has embraced the Buddhist symbol 'Unalome', which represents the journey of individual transcendence into universal consciousness. She sculpturally represents this symbol through a hand-folded and hand-painted kalmon chain origami spiral, infused with the spiritually significant color blue. This primary form is layered with lotuses, symbolizing steps towards reaching Buddha-hood, and meticulously detailed drawings reflecting the sound frequencies of the Buddhist mantra “Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo,” embodying the six steps of devotion to the mystic law of the Lotus Sutra. Together, these artists intertwine mantras from two different religious traditions, transcending religion to speak about self-growth and evolution.
Exhibition : “Paper Duets”
Facilitated and Mentored by: Ankon Mitra
Venue : Art Motif, at Delhi Art Week 2022

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